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Travel Safety Tips: Safety First While Traveling

When vacation time arrives, the first thing on most peoples minds is fun. A chance to get away from the hot, stuffy office, or from the winter blues and have some fun. Exploring the world can be a great experience, but not everywhere is safe, and not everyone on the planet is nice. A few precautions, and a little pre-trip thought can help you ensure that your vacation is safe and fun.

Finding a Safe Place To Stay
If you are going somewhere you have never been before, then it can be daunting finding somewhere to stay. Booking a hotel based on star ratings can help you a little, but it is still worth doing more research, just to be sure.

It is important that you examine the area where the hotel is located. Ask yourself: “Is it located in a high crime rate area?”. Is there sufficient security for the guests? Preferably, non-guests should have limited access to the main hotel structure and a room escort service should be offered, in order to have a minimal level of security.

Make sure that the room you stay in has locks on the windows and doors. If at possible, you should try to find a hotel that uses electronic keys. This is safer and more secure than a normal door key, as the electronic key can be changed for each new guest. Check the room, and the hallways, for sprinklers and smoke alarms, and read any safety signs so you know what to do in the event of an emergency.

During Your Stay
When you check in to your hotel, keep your luggage near you, and keep an eye on it at all times. Ask the check in desk to write your room number down, rather than tell it to you verbally – this will stop anyone from overhearing your room number.

Don’t give your full name when signing in – just use your surname and your first initial. If you are a woman, don’t use Ms. Or Miss as a title, as this may make people assume you are alone and as such, an easier target. If the hotel provides a safe, place your valuables in it instead of leaving them in your room.

After you have arrived safely and checked into your hotel—what do you do next? If you are like most vacationers, you will be eager to explore the country that they have just arrived in. But before you head out on your discovery adventures, take note of these two safety tips. They can help you in your travels. Under no circumstances should you carry large amounts of cash. This is not a smart move. Also, DO NOT wear expensive-looking jewelry. That would invite unwanted and unnecessary attention. Another good tip is to keep your travelers checks and credit cards in separate pockets. That way, you will avoid both items being stolen.

Enjoy Your Holiday
Travel is fun, and there is a vast world out there waiting to be explored. Remember, while you are having fun, that you still need to behave sensibly – the party atmosphere is nice, but don’t leave valuables lying around, and don’t flash wads of cash to everyone in sight. You wouldn’t do it in your home town, so why do some people think that the place they are holidaying in is any different?

Be sure to make an effort and take some time to learn as much as you can about the different cultures and customs of your chosen destination. But most of all, have fun, take lots of photo’s and stay safe.

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